We are offering a free 30 minute consultation* FREE teeth whitening included in the cost of treatment – worth £400 To book your place speak to our reception team, call us on 02380 220 008 or email southamptonortho@hotmail.co.uk *to secure your slot we require a £20 deposit which will be...
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Here at the Southampton Orthodontic Centre, we have been helping patients to achieve their perfect smiles for the past 15 years. We know all there is to know about teeth straightening (orthodontics), and the dental practice is constantly developing as we provide the very latest techniques and options for achieving...
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When you think of braces, do you think of the famous, chunky metal ‘train tracks’ closely associated with backpack wielding school children? Many adults refuse orthodontic treatment due to the appearance and lack of flexibility offered by traditional braces, and never achieve their desired smile as a result. Southampton Orthodontic...
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Southampton Orthodontic Centre – The Benefits of Invisalign Teen There are all sorts of reasons why people may feel they need braces. It might be that their teeth are overcrowded or wonky or that there are gaps that need addressing. If you feel that your teeth are not as straight...
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There are a few reasons why you may have crooked, overlapping or twisted teeth. Some people’s teeth are too big for their mouth and even though crooked teeth are often inherited traits, just as the colour of your eyes or hair; there are a few other actions we may be...
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So, you’ve decided to take the plunge and finally get the smile and teeth you’ve always dreamed of, and that involves getting a brace. Now, let us guide you through what’s on offer, other than the traditional metal braces, so you can make an informed choice on more discreet teeth...
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Risk of tooth decay and gum problems may be greater whilst you are wearing your braces so it’s important to pay special attention to cleaning your teeth carefully every day and keeping your braces, brackets and wires free from food. Permanent damage to tooth enamel can occur if the teeth...
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Are your presents wrapped and under the tree? Or will that be more of a last minute affair? Have you done the Christmas food shopping yet? Bought those mince pies or a bottle of mulled wine or two? We all tend to do so much running around before Christmas in...
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Give yourself the gift of straighter teeth You might not get exactly what you want for Christmas (socks are great for keeping your toes warm but they are a little on the dull side), so why not spoil yourself by sorting out your wonky smile. Get ready to face the...
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Crooked, over-spaced or generally wonky teeth can leave you unwilling to flash your grin. But feeling embarrassed about uneven teeth and hiding your smile will conceal a big part of who you are and sap your confidence. That’s why straightening your teeth can be such a good thing – it...
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