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Beside straight teeth – what are the benefits of braces?

posted 13/08/2015

Many people are unhappy with the look of their smile and would love to improve it in one-way or another. Whether you struggle to eat comfortably due to gaps or misalignment’s or you’d like to improve the look of twisted front teeth – speak to us to find out how we could help you.

Some people have never had the chance to undergo orthodontic treatment, or they find the work they have had in previous years has since relapsed. Please don’t feel as if the time has passed or nothing can be done for you. There is normally always a way to help.

Millions of people each year benefit from the effects of orthodontic treatment. Obviously, following removal of your braces or aligners your teeth will look beautifully straight – allowing you to smile with confidence – perhaps for the first time ever! But, the benefits of tooth straightening are not just the obvious – there are many other bonuses you might not have considered!

• You’re likely to find speaking and eating much easier – particularly if you’ve had problems with large gaps or bite.

• Movement of your teeth can greatly improve the overall look of your face. As your jawline changes you will notice more balance in your face. Likewise, you will see more support in features such as the lips, cheeks and chin. This is particularly true in children.

• Many patients find it easier to keep their teeth clean and healthy following treatment. When teeth are aligned they are easier to brush and floss. Plus without gaps food and bacteria doesn’t get trapped causing bad breath or tooth decay.

So if you’d like to find out more about our range of comfortable, fast working and affordable orthodontics call us today for a FREE consultation.