If you’ve ever thought about straightening your teeth or improving your smile but are put off by the thought of conventional train track braces then it’s time to think again. You may not be keen on the idea of having highly visible braces fixed to your teeth for several years or the need for frequent tightening appointments which can encroach on your personal or work life.
Luckily with modern dentistry and continued advances in technology, the option of a dazzlingly straight and healthy smile is now no longer just an option for those with lots of money and time – it is accessible and affordable for everyone.
Southampton Orthodontic Centre are pleased to be able to offer our patients the revolutionary Invisalign brace – a modern, discreet and comfortable alternative to conventional braces.
By taking impressions of your teeth we can produce a series of custom made aligners for you. Made from clear medical grade plastic, each aligner will fit discreetly over your teeth. With each aligner worn in 2 weekly increments they slowly move teeth to their desired positions.
Each aligner is made specifically for you and using the latest 3D modelling technology you will be able to view your predicted treatment plan in advance so you can see how your teeth will look before you’ve even started!
Avoiding the need for wires and brackets, the system is highly comfortable and you can remove the aligners as required – meaning that you can still eat your favourite foods, clean your teeth easily and even take it out for special occasions if required. Suitable for use on top and bottom teeth, Invisalign Aligners can be used for smaller issues- such as straightening just a few of your front teeth but can also be highly successful in dealing with more complex cases involving overbites/underbites, gaps overcrowding and misalignment.
Treatment is generally quicker than with conventional systems with an average treatment time of between 12 and 18 months – depending on your specific case.
Invisalign is ideal for most people but particularly popular amongst older teenagers and those adults who are looking to avoid train track braces – possibly for personal or professional reasons.
Call Southampton Orthodontic Centre to find out how we can help you transform your smile with Invisalign. 02380 220008.